The SIOP Europe Annual Meeting 2025 is a joint meeting of different European Clinical Trials Groups, SIOPE Working Groups, Young Oncologists and Parent & Survivor representatives.
The meeting format is unique: it includes novel session formats, interactive workshops and forums empowering the working groups to debate and disseminate the outcomes of the high quality clinical and basic research carried out in Europe.
The preliminary programme is available here:
For help navigating the online programme, watch a short video:
18 European Clinical Trial Groups, each specialising in one or more tumour type or disease, will hold their open and joint sessions during the upcoming SIOPE Annual Meeting to facilitate good research practice exchange amongst European and international co-operative groups.
The meeting is structured to allow the liquid tumour groups and solid tumour groups to meet within their groups. However, the aim of the Annual Meeting is to create ample opportunities for networking and learning through the organisation of joint sessions. On Wednesday, the middle day of the Annual Meeting, we plan an exciting programme of plenary sessions on cross-tumour topics.
The scientific session topics will include recent outcomes from clinical trials and advances in diagnosis and therapy for different paediatric cancers, presentations of guidelines, debates on the use of artificial intelligence, epidemiology of childhood cancer, drug safety, radiation oncology and data protection but also many sessions co-organized by our long-term partner CCI Europe on communication, patient involvement, breaking taboos, informed consent and other essential topics.
Discover some of the SIOPE Groups, the European Clinical Trial Groups and other Partners that will organize sessions during the SIOP Europe 2025 Annual Meeting:
- Young SIOPE
- CCI Europe
- CWS (Cooperative Weichteilsarkom Studiengruppe or Cooperative Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group)
- ECHO (European Consortium for Histiocytosis)
- EHL (European Hodgkins Consortium, EuroNet-PHL)
- EICNHL (European Inter-group cooperation on childhood and adolescent Non Hodgkin Lymphoma)
- EpSSG (European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group)
- EEC (EURO-EWING Consortium) (Ewing’s sarcoma)
- EWOG-MDS (European Working Group of MDS in Childhood)
- EXPeRT (European Cooperative Study Group on Paediatric Rare Tumours)
- FOSTER (Fight Osteosarcoma through European Research)
- Germ Cell Tumours
- I-BFM (The International BFM Study Group)
- ITCC (Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer)
- PanCare (Pan-European network for Care of survivors after childhood and adolescent cancer)
- SIOP Europe AYA Committee
- SIOP Europe Nursing Working Group
- SIOP Europe Paediatric Palliative Care Working Group
- SIOP Europe Psychosocial Working Group
- SIOP Europe Radiation Oncology Working Group
- SIOP Europe Brain Tumour Group
- SIOP Europe Educational Committee
- SIOPE Host Genome Working Group
- SIOP Europe Imaging Working Group
- SIOPEL (SIOPE-Epithelial Liver Tumour Study Group)
- SIOPEN (SIOP Europe Neuroblastoma Group)
- SIOP-RTSG (SIOP Wilms Tumour)